Suganuma Village in Winter

Suganuma, Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan

Suganuma Village in Winter
Suganuma Village
Suganuma Village
Suganuma Village

Suganuma Village is located at the southwest edge of Toyama Prefecture. Its southern part adjoins Hida City and Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture, through mountains ranging in altitudes from 1000 to 1800 meters (3300 to 6000 feet). As one of the "A-frame thatched roof villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama", it was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1995, along with Ogi-machi village of Shirakawa Town, and Ainokura village of Gokayama. Nine A-frame thatched roof houses remain in Suganuma village. Some remain from when they were built in the Taisho Era until the late Edo Period.

Suganuma is the smallest of these villages registered as a World Heritage Site. Despite its small size, it is a mountain village symbolizing Japan. Its scenery has not changed since long ago, and it keeps showing history to visitors.

Nationally Designated Historical Site: Dec. 4, 1970, Kamitaira region
Important Preservation District for Group of Historic Buildings: Selected Dec. 21, 1994
World Cultural Heritage: Registered Dec. 9, 1995

Suganuma Village
Suganuma Village

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